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These are butterflies in the family Hesperiidae that I have recorded on Isla Colon. Each specimen includes collecting data and observations I have made over years of visits to the island.
Specimen records and photographs
for researchers and educators
Species page for Heliconius sara fulgidus

Records from Isla Colon:
Record Locator # 9403
Panama; B. del Toro; Isla Colon
lat 9.4070, long -82.3079; el 15m
13-16 Feb, 2013; sun/clouds; 85F
on trail; primary rainforest; 2PM
Frederick C. Mosher
Field notes from Isla Colon:
This species can be very common at times. It visits lantana and other flowers along the forest edge, and can also be found at times in the forest interior.
Identification source link:
To help with identification, email me at Please include specimen locator number.
Panama Insects Tropical Insects
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