These are butterflies in the family Hesperiidae that I have recorded on Isla Colon. Each specimen includes collecting data and observations I have made over years of visits to the island.
Specimen records and photographs
for researchers and educators
Automeris species, June 2014
This species of Automeris moth is common at lights on Isla Colon in almost all seasons. I took this picture of an individual that was still perched at the moth light in the morning; when I disturbed it, the moth flew a short ways and landed in the grass, where it displayed its bright "bulls-eye" hindwings. The effect is of an animal suddenly opening its eyes, a protection against predators shared by many of this moth's congeners.
In my experience, the females (which are much larger than the male pictured) fly earlier in the night than the males, which typically don't show up at lights until well after midnight.